Mark Nevins sent in some photos he took while flying over Florida during his flight training in 2004. Everglades: Sebring: Racetrack: Lake Placid: US27:
Oregon Coast Flight
Wryann and Mallory VanRiper took a flight recently out to the coast. These photos are a few of the photos they took on their flight. Enjoy!
Shyla’s Ride in Mike’s RV-9A
Shyla shared this photo of her ride in Mike Rhode’s RV-9A. Her ride was on 6-18-2016.
Bob Johnson’s Flight at Mulino
Our member Bob Johnson took his first ride in a Cub at Mulino airport in February 2017. He submitted this video made by Eric Olson of the flight.
B-17 takes to the sky
Troutdale airport (TTD) runway 25, a B-17 takes to the sky, in July 2016.